My Books

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Here’s my first book and here’s my second book

As a kid I had a diary. I loved the idea of keeping one. And was consistent and dedicated…usually for about 4 days. I could never quite figure out what it was I wanted to write and it always ended up being a boring Dear Diary sort of exercise where I might recount the events of the day or possibly even write what I thought or how I felt about something or other.  Fully censored, of course, written in a way that echos what I thought I should be saying. To be truthful, the real thrill was cracking open a fresh journal and then lying on my bed while the rest of the household did whatever it was doing and I was in my own little haven scribbling away.

Then when I had kids, spurred on by those pretty “Your Child’s First Year” journals, I tried again. This time it was more of a documenting project (aka bragging) – sitting up, first food, trip to zoo. Again, it petered out quickly and was inconsistent and random in its entries. Then the next 20 years or so were quickly filled with additional newborns, then toddlers, pre-schoolers, school kids, afterschool chauffeuring, meal prep, and on and on and on. Suddenly my youngest was a year or two away from the end of high school.  By now I had growing discontent about the job that had formerly been a perfect fit for me, and I began some serious soul searching.  What did I want to do? What made my heart beat faster?  I stumbled across Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. It changed my life. It gave me permission to write as an end in itself. Soon after that I discovered Anne Lamott and Julia Cameron and have been a dedicated daily writer and Morning Pages fan almost every day.

Through the process of daily writing things have become clearer and clearer. And without much hand wringing or conscious effort my writing has taken on a life of its own with projects and ideas arriving at what feels like exactly the right moment. My role is to say “Oh ok, sounds good, let’s give that a try”.

And somehow or other, much to my own delight and surprise, I just published (self-published, but that still counts for something, right?) my very first book. Not surprisingly, the topic is the challenges and joys and ups and downs of those who feel compelled to write (That’s me — I have first hand experience — I think that makes me some kind of an expert possibly). Most surprisingly though, it is a book of poetry. Never in a million years would I ever think I would call myself a writer, nevermind, an author, nevermind a poet.  What?

If there’s one thing I have learned it is that I should not be surprised by anything anymore….especially when it comes to my writing…

Here it is.

Click on the book to go to a link to purchase it.  I hope you love it….

There are more books under construction…stay tuned…

I’ve written a couple more: